Telecom products

Complex interaction and high volume consumer electronics have always been a special interest area for me and they still are some of the most challenging projects to undertake, with their combination of user interaction, industrial design, manufacturing, marketing aspects, brand, positioning, competitive environment & sales channel issues.

One of the most exciting companies in the market is Samsung who is willing to experiment and invest when necessary. This has positioned them as a compelling market leader for the future and I’ve had the great fortune to assist on a few projects over the years. First when I designed an NMT mobile phone for them in the late 80’s, later on Telefax concepts and currently on innovation projects.

Samsung basic thermo fax

Close definition and attention to the user experiences, qualities and benefits desired by the target audiences can lead to compelling value propositions. Design is a crucial storytelling tool to communicate the products use, position the user socially and build the brand, by engaging the user in meaningful experiences and simply grabbing attention on the shelf.

samsung nmt mobile phone

The user centered innovation process is therefore a powerful tool to find and refine appropriate qualities and experiences to achieve consistent and predictable success in the global markets. This was was the way we approached the creation of a global wired and wireless telephony range for Philips.

Philips entry level phone answering machine

The tool set was originally developed to deal with b2c product, but is equally appropriate and useful when dealing with the b2b market, but with a different set of users, motivators and decision makers it needs to be tuned and used differently.

CB radio

From the simple cb-radios in the 80’s designed for Danitas Radio to Samsung products in the 90’s the process has evolved and matured to deal with the latest generation of communication products for Philips Electronics and others.

range of samll Philips multiline pagers

Strategic design and early iterative prototyping to explore future opportunities and the flexibility of the audiences creates a way to involve the target audience an lead users and extract valuable user insights. These insights can help leapfrog the product offering ahead of the bell curve, and the competition and to secure a unique and ownable platform for both technology development and brand positioning.

Philips large screen pager

Communication products is also an area with insanely rapid product life and development cycles. Only by constantly looking into the future through user research and dialog with especially leadusers, about their needs and aspirations, can the usually limited development resources be focused and market leadership be achieved by defining compelling visions and road maps.

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